Sunday, June 17, 2012

2+2= 4

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!!  We found out some fabulous news on friday at our Ultra Sound. We're having QUADRUPLETS!!!  Just Kidding!  I was pretty anxious all week and being on summer break and kinda of sick to my stomach- I've had plenty of time to think about what would happen at the dr office.  Honestly, we were both just hoping there was a baby still growing strong.  So as the the u/s began, a little baby just popped up into view!  The Dr. said your baby is just a lil peanut, but the yolk sac looks good and lets see if we can hear the heartbeat.  Wha-oosh, wha-oosh sound started and we both started crying.  It was so real.  The dr. wanted the heartbeat at least 100 and it was at a strong 114bpm.  YES!  Go baby stott!  Then the dr. looked around for a second baby and found one much smaller-and said that it had implanted but may not make it.  we couldn't hear its heartbeat either so it could just be absorbed back into my body, which I still need to understand how that works.  However, we are so THRILLED that we have at least one strong, healthy, baby that is growing exactly as it should!  We are so blessed with this amazing opportunity to be parents.  Although, I sure had no idea how exhausted I would be growing another's incredible.  I'm amazed at though this is so new to me and everything I'm feeling is for the first time, billions of women have grown babies and they get through the tired and sickness I'm thinking I've got a chance of "making" it too. 

It was fun to celebrate my sweet daddy to be today and imagine what a fabulous dad he'll make.  Russell is already is the most wonderful husband and I can't wait to celebrate all the ups and challenges of parenthood with him; I wouldn't want to jump into it with anyone else.


val said...

Agh!!!! What an amazing fathers day gift. Oh Brie.....I'm so happy for you. Keep up the good work of baby growing. It is take it easy. Loves!

Vicky Hilton said...

so awesome. I remember the tiredness too. You are a strong women - you will get over it! I donated to your fund. I missed giving you a check a few weeks ago at basketball. I am so happy for you!

Mikey & Melissa said...

Mike and I are so happy for you two. You will be amazing parents for that little peanut.

Kelli Ward said...

Crazy excited for you guys!

lynnette stott ward said...

i have just been waiting all week to hear this wonderful news - i still am getting teary eyed with joy each time i think of you and russell have this beautiful baby

Anonymous said...

So amazing that every person you see was once the size of a peanut! Blows the old mind. There is something so incredible about the first time you hear that whooshy heartbeat - it makes all of it so real. Hang in there, Mom and Dad! :) :)

Dacia said...

Yeah for baby! Our first was absorbed back in, kinda weird I agree. I am so happy you have a keeper. Being a parent is so fun! Let the journey begin....

Amber Elizabeth said...

So is there any chance of the 2nd one being viable? Just thinking, how interesting. very exciting brie!

Nancy Bair said...

Congrats!!!! I've been trying to follow your news, and what great news!!!! I'm pulling for the little one! You never know......

Nancy Bair said...

Congrats!!!! I've been trying to follow your news, and what great news!!!! I'm pulling for the little one! You never know......