Sunday, May 20, 2012

What happend on our "EGG HUNT"

 Wednesday was the day we went in for my egg retrieval.  I felt pretty calm and excited to remove the eggs that were giving me so much pain the past several days.  However, on Monday, our last  ultrasound and blood work appt, I had a major breakdown.  When we spoke with the nurse about taking my last shots and the "most important" Trigger shot- she told me to also take the last of a certain pill that I was "supposed" to be taking for the last 10 days.  However, wide eyed, I confessed I hadn't been taking it at all.  I said I wasn't informed of when to start taking it and I figured that I would be told since all the other shots and meds were given with specific days of when to start them.  The nurse looked so worried so, naturally, I was extremely worried.  She said that it wasn't the most important med to take, but it improves egg quality.  Well, we left there and I freaked out.  I thought, "Did we not do ALL we could do?"  My emotions were just right on the edge and I pretty much cried off and on the rest of the day into the night...I finally have come to peace with it, we've done what we could and the rest is up to Heavenly Father....right? Rough day though. 

Ok, back to Wednesday's Egg Hunt- I had got my IV and went into surgery.  The anesthesiologist gave me a sweet cocktail and as I was getting quite happy on it- i passed out and woke up an hour and half  later.-with some serious abdominal pain..The Dr reported that they collected 16 eggs!! Which we were happy with.:) Woo HOO!   However,  I went home feeling like I had just had my appendix out again. I didn't realize how sore I would be- it really threw me off-but Russell had to remind me that the Dr. stuck a large needle through my ovaries to "vacuum" or suck my eggs out of the follicles.  No wonder I hurt.

 The Embryologist called us Thursday morning to inform us how many of the eggs were mature and could be fertilized.  Out of the 16 collected, 9 of them were Mature and from the 9, 8 of them were able to be fertilized with Russell's bad boys.  We will not know until the morning of the Transfer, which is Monday the 21st, how many of the 8 fertilized embryos made it till day 5.  They hope for at least half of them-4, to make it to day 5.  Day five is important bc when getting pregnant on your own, day 5 is when the embryos have left the fallopian tubes and implant on the uterine wall.  So My Day Five embryos, in the petri dishes, will be transferred into my uterus TOMORROW and hopefully attach to my uterine wall where they can live cozy and comfortably for ummm.. about 9 months.  Here is to hoping that my  body will know exactly what to do with these embryos and house them nicely for the full term!  The Dr has placed me on strict bed-rest for 2 days and then from there is just the waiting game to see if it "WORKED!"  Thank you for all of your support and prayers.  We appreciate them and feel them and ask you to keep praying for us. 


Sue said...

I am SO excited! I kept thinking about you wednesday. I'll be thinking and praying for you tomorrow too! Go little Embryos, implant!!! :)

Jashley said...

Oh man, all sorts of prayers and love and positive energy being sent your way!

Jashley said...

Oh man, all sorts of prayers and love and positive energy being sent your way!

Kristie said...

wow. -wow. big day tomorrow. you will be in our prayers. Oh my gosh. I just want this for you SO BAD.
I love you brie! xoxo

Anonymous said...

oh brie and russell. i truly hope this works and you will be blessed with a little one (or 2). you have been through so much and will make amazing parents. prayers and thoughts are with you two:)

Neals said...

Since I won't see you tomorrow to get the update on how things went, we hope and pray for the best! This is going to be the longest 9 days in history. Can't wait to find out!!!!

Harward said...

Hi, You don't know me but we have a mutual friend Bethany. I was in her ward for about 5 minutes but we became friends. She invited me to your carnival on facebook. I was on "bed rest" during that time and was unable to attend. I just wanted to say your not alone. I am just a few short weeks ahead of you. And from what I can tell from your posts we are seeing the same drs and the same clinic. :) I just made my ivf blog public. I don't know about you, but I sure love to hear success stories when things are tough.. in fact I scoured the internet for them when I was feeling down. I wanted to share with you mine. this is our blog
I hope this helps! Praying for you. :)