Sunday, May 13, 2012

Water balloons and rubber bands

This week has been exciting, nerve-wracking, sunny, challenging, hormonal & tiring.  From my suppression, or birth control, my follicles in my ovaries were measuring at about 3-4 mm.  Very small and good.  My estrogen level was super low, just double digits and so the BC worked.  Well, after the shots started last Sunday-a post just in itself, my follicles are responding well.  I've been going into the Dr every other day for an ultra sound and blood work so they can track my progress and adjust meds as needed.  I went Tuesday and my follicles had grown to 6-8mm.  Thursday both ovaries had grown more follicles but one side was actually a day behind in growth, and the other had a few follicles that were pretty large... I have one ovary that's on Hawaiian time and one ovary that's an over-achiever- i guess I don't care as long as they produce the "golden egg" that will fertilize and grow us our baby!  I am feeling the effects though- I feel like my stomach looks pregnant bc i'm just constantly just feeling bloated.  I can't suck in.  Also, the nurse asked/ reinforced with me that I am not "vigorously" working out.  I challenged that and asked what that really meant- bc I still wanted a good work out.  She firmly said, Stop worrying about getting a good work out and worry about your ovaries.  She said do the pony tail test...if you're walking to fast where your pony tail is swinging...too vigorous.  She reminded me that any jumping, or bumpy exercise could make my water balloon like ovaries bounce and twist on the rubber band like fallopian tube they're connected to...We don't want that!  I took it to heart and have been walking and swimming, NON-Vigorously. :)

The shots haven''t been pleasant by any means, but there not terrible.  The worst part for me is not being able to do it myself...i'm constantly in need of someone to shoot me up, especially when Russell was gone for 2 days in Seattle last week- I had to take my meds to work and have my friend/co-worker who is familiar with needles, she has diabetes, give me my shots twice a day... However,  Russell is doing a great job of giving me my shots.  He takes great care in trying not to hurt me, and I heart him for that.  Although, my stomach might have a couple bruises on it and it might look like i have chicken pox from all the red dots from poking, but who's looking right?  :) 
Viewer's Discretion Advised for the picture below-

Russell caught this picture of me trying so hard to give myself a shot...look at the strain on my face- it was followed by numerous grunts trying to poke no avail- I just thought that this picture was too funny not to share, hope you don't take offense to the bear midriff. 
So here is whats happening this week...It's BIG!  I have another appt tomorrow, Monday, and then they set the date for my EGG RETRIEVAL, which should be happening Wednesday or Thursday.  HOLY COW!

Then 5 days later will be the EMBRYO TRANSFER- so that puts us at Next Monday or Tuesday...Can you believe it?  It seems like when we started this process back in January, the Fundraiser took a front seat because there wasn't much going on besides some pre-testing, birth control, and educating classes.  But since we've started the shots, something new is happening every other day and moving so fast!  It feels great to be moving or sprinting in this direction and knowing that we've done ALL we can do make our miracle in happen.  Although, I could have been a little more stress-free this past week, I'm really hoping that this week brings more sun, relaxing and less stress so that these eggs can grow and do their thing with the little tadpoles! 
Lastly, Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful moms out there!  We've been so blessed to have you in our lives and thanks to all our friends and family who continue to share that "they've been praying for us".  It  has lifted us up and strengthen our faith!.  We love you and pray for you too.


Ben and Jamie Stott said...

Happy mother's day Brie! You totally deserve a shout out! You are going to be one kick booty momma! We love you and can't wait to see all the exciting and amazing things that are in your future!

Sue said...

I LOVE that picture! I would describe the ivf process as a "whirlwind" and when it's over, just enjoy being pregnant for a while until a new whirlwind when the babies get here. I'm really excited for you to have twins ;) love ya!

Sue said...

I LOVE that picture! I would describe the ivf process as a "whirlwind" and when it's over, just enjoy being pregnant for a while until a new whirlwind when the babies get here. I'm really excited for you to have twins ;) love ya!

monica said...

That picture is so funny, but so heartbreaking at the same time!!! Now when your kids are little pains you can shoe them what you did for them! :)