Sunday, May 6, 2012

Officially "suppressed"

Our niece Maren- at the sucker table

Laurie Kraai Greeting Everyone and making sure they signed the Stott Family Tree to make sure we remember who helped to make our "miracle" happen!

Arts& Crafts tables- we had so many lovely things donated, we almost didn't have enough space.  Dawn and Julie and Tasha did a great job manning the tables!

Our sis in law, Jamie- manning the photo station...compliments of my cousin Star, the artist.

Jill manning the fishing for gold table!  One of the hottest games that day...real gold fish was the prize, and man it was hot!

Jodi and Jason Neal organizing the tickets, money and "encouraging" people to buy tickets for the games, food, etc!  they were kinda amazing!

Almost Time to Start

Dawn, Tasha and Julie- dreamy ladies working the arts and crafts.  AMAZING

Bird's eye view-kinda

sandy and bradley with go fishing- good times

Our nieces Elley and Annie who just visited the face painting booth getting their pic taken

Tony Tan our fabulous DJ!  Amber and Betty checking out the Live Auction items

Just one of the silent auction baskets- they were so fun!!
These were just a few of the pictures, Bethany Nyholm took more pictures and hopefully i'll be getting those soon so i might post more soon...thank you again for all of you who came and supported!

I had the "suppression Ultrasound and blood work done Friday and the results came in and I'm officially "suppressed" -the birth control worked and my ovaries are small and my horomone level is low....

However, now its time to change all that and ramp up the size of my ovaires and level of hormones!

This morning we were 30 minutes late to church because right before we were leaving,  Russell was going to give me a shot...however, we kinda mixed the meds wrong and we had to wait 30 minutes to talk to the nurse to let us know that we could still take the meds even though we added more of one thing than was needful...i just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to die :)  anywho, russell was concerned that I was going to kick him when he actually gave me the shot, but he survived and so did I.  It's not that bad, but i'm just concerned about having to do it myself...i don't like to look when I get poked...but that might have to change.
any advice from regular shot goers?  From here on out for the next few weeks its going to get really interesting....wahoo!!!

Also, a friend of Russell's was unable to make it out for our carnival but wanted to contribute to our cause.  She is a Part-Time Photography and has traveled all over the world and taken some beautiful pictures.  For the month of May, she will donate half the proceeds from pictures bought, to our IVF fund.  So, if you see something you like, use the coupon code when checking out from her site, and we'll get 50% towards our "miracle"!  Check out her website- she has several amazing pictures!

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