Sunday, April 8, 2012

Hot and Sweaty

So our weekly post will be short and sweet this week, considering we put our video out there a few days ago! Here is the link again if you didn't get a chance to view it! Thank yo for sharing it with friends and family and we hope that you'll continue to share it with others and raise awareness...sorry to sound like a broken record, but knowledge is power, right?

This month has already been a "hot and sweaty one!" Starting on birth control and antibiotics do some weird things to me. Even though I've only been on it for a few days, the HOT FLASHES are coming on strong. Last night, I felt like I was in a losing battle with my sheets and comforter who kept trying to entangle me in its' cottony snare as I was desperately trying to rip them off my hot, sweaty, and angry body. Oh, the hot flashes~ what fun things hormones do to our bodies :) I really empathize with menopausal women. Bless you!

This week we are enrolled in the injection class~ yea, more hormones :) I have to say that even though the side effects always seems to follow me whenever i am on "drugs", I sure am grateful, beyond belief that we have the Meds to make this opportunity possible! Woo Hoo for drugs!
Speaking of drugs I applied for another grant that is a specifically for the Hormone Meds, that I'll be on the next month. I didn't know that Pharmaceutical companies gave out grants until the our nurse mentioned a website, fertility lifelines, that give financial help to people using the Meds to do IVF. She said to check out the website and look for the "compassionate care" information to start the application process. Well, I checked it out and signed up for their info but searched and searched and didn't find "compassionate care." During our next dr visit the nurse asked if I had checked the website. i said I had, but i needed to look again bc I didn't find an application or info about it. She gave me the info again, emphasizing "compassionate care." During my spring break, a couple weeks ago, I decided to call. When i spoke with the woman about what my nurse had told me she inquired in a firm and almost a low voice, "Can you give me the name that your nurse gave you regarding this?" I fumbled out the words, "compassionate service I think." No response. Then i remembered and said, "OH, I mean, compassionate care." She finally replied and said, " OK, thank you mam, I'll put you through."

As I'm writing this, it doesn't sound as strange, but when I was on the phone with this woman, it was so undercover like and I had to give the right password to be permitted into the "cool" club. After being transferred to the "compassionate care" line, the woman said all covert like, "So how did you hear about this program?" I told her that our nurse from the Fertility Clinic we were partnering with referred us. Well, those were definitely the right words to say. She was instantly cheery and then asked for the info about which clinic and doctor we were with. After that, she was More than happy to give me all the info I needed and sent me an application. It was Awesome! I felt like I was kinda in the Mafia or in a an infertility gang..i don't know, it was just pretty cool. So I got the info in the mail, filled it out and sent it off last week! So hopefully with the other grant in process and now this one, we'll get lucky and one will be granted!! Keep us in your prayers please :)

Next week we'll be posting a ton more pictures of the carnival items~ we've really had some beautiful and fun things donated!


Carlia said...

hi brie. i saw your video on my friend's facebook page and felt like i needed to look up your blog and show some support. my husband and i dealt with infertility for over 9 years (technically still dealing with it), but we finally had our son in january via surrogacy. i've been blogging about my experiences with infertility for a few years now and have found a wonderful network of bloggers sharing our struggle. when i saw your video, i felt impressed to reach out to you. i tried to find your email address on here, but if you want to get in touch, you can email me at storkdropzone at gmail dot com. my blog is i'm also involved with an organization that was recently set up with the goal of giving out grants to couples without insurance coverage for IVF. it's called the hudson foundation. anyway, feel free to email me anytime. good luck with your treatments! i truly hope that you find success on your first try and that you're blessed with the family you always dreamed of. best wishes!


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